Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Change Management for Alaska Airlines-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Prepare a detailed analysis in relation to the Alaska Airlines. Answer: Introduction Change Management is a term that is used for analyzing all the approaches so that it can support the individuals and team in order to make changes within the organization. It includes the different methods that can redefine resources and the business process in such a manner that can significantly bring changes for the positive growth of the organization (Heizer, 2016). Alaska Air Group evolved from Mc Gee Airlines that was founded in the region of Alaska in the year 1932 by pilot Mac McGee. It later on merged with that of Star Airline Service in the year 1934 that got acclaimed as the largest airline in the Alaska. This report will highlight about the different criteria that are essential for selecting the solution and the alternatives that can be brought into the company in order to bring about changes within the organization. It will also discuss about the recommendations that can help the company to grow and earn huge amount of profit. Criteria for Selecting Solutions Delay in flights results in an airline company losing million of dollar in every year. Analytic technology can improve the efficiency and this field in relation to predictive analytics can solve a lot of problems. The predictive solution should be right so that the impact is optimized (Baker, 2014). The Airlines being superior in terms of weather forecast capability can solve the problem of flight delays. The best models will fail if inaccurate weather data is used. The solution should have already proven weather forecast capability. Robust set of data point can be made use of in order to build a model that is accurate. Solution providers who can build sustainable algorithm along with having strong machine learning technique can prove to be important criteria for selecting the solutions. The solution should be well-integrated into the existing system because a rework of the entire operational procedure is not possible (Cummings Worley, 2014). Luggage bags being mishandled results into having catastrophic results for both the company and the passengers. The solutions should be able to pacify the passengers without causing a great deal of monetary expenditure on the part of the company. Strategic alternatives for Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines adopted a different strategy in face of a difficult situation. When other flights in United States dismissed its employees, Alaska did not lay off its employees and this move undertaken by the company restored the faith of the employees in the company. The project should be sponsored by some reputed organisation like Marketing Science Institute along with that of Harvard Business School that will help in determining whether the steps that have been taken are going in the right direction (Henderson, 2015). It has been found that there is a link between that of strategic planning and the element of profit performance. It has been found that with increase in market share a business can have a greater profit margin. The best method by the help of which market share can be increased is by getting hold of a competitor. It can tap into the customer base of the new firm and it can reduce the number of firm who are fighting for the same pie. Innovation is a method by taking recourse to which a company can increase the market share. New technology can be made use of so that the consumers make use of that facility of that company. Recommendations The difficulties taking place at the Seattle Hub can be solved by taking the help of a seasoned executive who can be placed there on temporary basis for resolving issues related to customer service and a task force can be made use of in order to trouble-shoot the issues relating to operations. The task force can become a forum in order to exchange information among the various operational groups and an in-depth look can help in solving problems and making progress in business. The task force can comprise of reputed employees from the executive group. An experienced member can take up this position who has work experience from other companies (Cui Li, 2015). The task force should be given appropriate authority and they should be in a position to implement the solutions. Focusing only on aspects related to outcome will not help and upstream metrics should be laid focus on in improving the quality and service. The inputs in relation to a dynamic system can be assessed and comparison can be carried out in order to stabilze the system. Efforts should be concentrated in a single direction so that the outcome can prove to be effective. Cross-divisional collaboration can help in improving communication within the business and maximising profit (Taneja, 2017). The input has to be looked critically and understanding cultural aspects is important for bringing about changes. A seamless integrated service can solve the problems of the airline company that can also help in moving the customer from that of initial contact to that of the accommodation stage. Decision-support tools can be made use of in order to make the service more consistent. The disruptions during the peak demand times can be handled in a better manner by rightly using technology. Connecting data from different operational silos can prove to be critical in improving the operations. The airline can invest in technology in order to deliver the brand promise and deliver profits for the company (Hardin, 2015). The Fleet manager Module can be made use of in order to reduce the errors along with that of delays and it should be integrated into the aircraft telemetry like that of ACARS. The module has a maintenance control diary that can give the airline the chance that can report information of aircraft that includes the handover reports. A technical library can record all the documentation and can also help in managing the copyholders throughout the world. It can perfectly compliment the Envision models like that of Operations Manager by making use of information from other components (Zotova, 2017). Conclusion: A robust set of data point should be used to build a model that is effective for the growth of the organisation. Solution providers who can build sustainable algorithm in order to select the solutions of the problem can be used for managing change within the organisation. Innovation can be made use of to increase the market share of the company. References: Baker, D. (2014). Low-cost airlines management model and customer satisfaction.InternationalJournal of Economics, Commerce and Management. Cui, Q., Li, Y. (2015). Evaluating energy efficiency for airlines: An application of VFB-DEA.Journal of Air Transport Management,44, 34-41. Cummings, T. G., Worley, C. G. (2014).Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Hardin, S. (2015). Alaska Airline's Kris Kutchera advocates for STEM education.Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology,41(3), 30-32.s Heizer, J. (2016).Operations Management, 11/e. Pearson Education India. Henderson, J. (2015). Annualized TASAR Benefit Estimate for Alaska Airlines Operations. Taneja, N. K. (2017).Simpli-Flying: optimizing the airline business model. Routledge. Zotova, I. (2017). Post-crash airline pricing: A case study of Alaska Airlines Flight 261.Economics of Transportation.

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